The Griot
Queen Mother Suma Diarra (May 14, 1929 - October 22, 2017)
In Loving Memory "Queen Mother Suma Diarra" lives on!!!
A Universal Actress, Dancer, Model, Writer/Poet, and Connoisseur of Folklore. She has her Master’s in Early Childhood Education and B.A from Pratts Institute for Fine Art. She is the Co-Founder of the Laini Kuumba Ngoma Troupe, Inc. Owner of Ancient Times Crafts, and Chairman of People’s Village, which is her home base performance site. She is a member of the Black Women’s Health Project. A member of the African-American History Alliance, A member of the Gathering, She is very active in Clothing and Feeding the Homeless. Mama Suma is a very active member of the Umoja Cultural Arts Productions Male Mentoring Program, Demi Seti Khalai Preservation Project, Dance for Peace Project & Put Down the Gun and Pick Up the Drum. She is a Louisiana Division of the Arts Roster Artist.
Queen Mother Suma Diarra, realizes and lives her African Culture and History. It is of great value and a source of great strength and pride to her. She finds it easier to reach her students and audience as they become engulfed in the sounds of the drums and the movement of her feet, as the story told comes to life. She takes you on a journey to Africa, the Caribbean, and the Americas without leaving home. Her stories and movement have a way of bringing the story to life. Her audience becomes the village and before you know it you are very much involved. Giving life to her words.
Queen Mother Suma Diarra, is a native New Orleanian She has traveled and lived throughout the USA, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. She continues to travel, study and teach African Culture and History (past and Present) through traditional and modern folklore, dance and music. Queen Mother Suma makes it known that this is her way of life. She is well traveled. Her grace, knowledge, and presence give you a taste of her many journeys in life.
Queen Mother Suma Diarra, has performed domestically and abroad for over 45 full years. The Queen Mother is the recipient of the Alfred E. Clay Award from the Children’s Bureau, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Congo Square Foundation 10-18-93, Eagle Award from Adhiambo for Outstanding Efforts 12-20-98, Juneteenth Celebration Lifetime Queen Award 6-96, The Awakening-Faith Circle of Oneness for the Strength, Courage and Love Give to the Community 2-15-03, Hall of Fame Merit Award from The African-American Male Institute for Outstanding Achievement & The Liberation of Our People 4-21-96, African Heritage Studies Association Certificate of Recognition 3-98, Certificate of Achievement from the African-American History Alliance 11-10-01, N.O. Data News Weekly Trail-Blazer 6-02, N.O. Data News Weekly Trail-Blazer of the Year Award 5-14-2002-2003, Salutes Scoop Jones Trail-Blazer Award 2002-2003 to name a few. Has owned and operated several Class A Daycare Centers and Pre-Schools. She was crowned a Queen Mother in several African countries and in several States in the USA. She has definably earned her crowns and wears them well.
The "2006 -2014 Storytelling Peace Tour"
"Laini Kuumba Ngoma Troupe, Inc."
Queen Mother Suma Diarra in this Highly Spirited Cultural Celebration
A Journey to Africa Storytelling Adventure without leaving home.
"A Cultural Celebration, A Spiritual Awaking"
"It's Time To Celebrate"
"2006 - 2014 Storytelling Peace Tour"
We are proud to announce Queen Mother Suma Diarra
Featuring Stories from around the World
Stories are suitable for Children and Adults.
"Grandmother Stories"
"A Story, A Story"
"Ready Or Not Here I Come"
"A Journey Home"
"Manjani, Manjani - Let's Celebrate"
"Who Has The Gourd Of Common Sense"
For Booking and Availablity please visit our contact page.
Ask and You will find.
This storytelling adventure is a celebrate of life, a spiritual awaking, and a tribute to our ancestors. We invite you to celebrate with us in the very exciting energetic educational experience. As we take you across the continent of Africa and the Caribbean Islands giving you a taste of New Orleans in the days of our past bringing you to this present time. We take you to Congo Square in New Orleans with a might Second Line dance.
It's Time To Celebrate and have some fun!
Dallas Zoo Celebration
Queen Mother Suma Diarra, is a positive guiding light to all that know her and love her. To know her is to never forget her bright forever shining light.